Friday, December 14, 2007

SNOW and this time I welcome it!

Well we had a real good snow storm yesterday. It started at around 10:00 am and snowed until about 10:00 last night. The snow was beautiful, light and fluffy....not so wet like last year, although I am told it will get that way. I finally let the kids go out at 4:00 (they had to finish chores and homework). Well it gets dark around 4:30 but the kids did not want to come in. I think that they will have a blast this winter with all the snow we are expected to get. Preston was playing with his friend Jade, while Chandler was busy making snow angels.
No, I am not a terrible photographer and your eyes aren't playing tricks on you ....It was still snowing when I took these pictures.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! You get to have the idyllic "white Christmas" you are so lucky. I would be more jealous except that I hate being cold! :-)

Miss you and hope you are doing well!

caseyann said...

Looks cold! Chandler wants to take the family up to flagstaff during break to sled. I'm dreading it. Especially with Parker. I'll probably end up sitting in the car with Parker with the heat blasting like i had to do with Carter when he was Parkers age. Anyways snow is beautiful. Stay warm and have fun playing in the snow.