Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Positive Week

Back in Arizona I had a great group of friends that quilted together. We had a lot of fun, and could be very silly. At one time we laughed all afternoon about our attempt to make it on Deal or No Deal, we then moved on to trying to gain enough weight tobe on the Biggest Loser. Diana reminded me the other day about her trying to eat my, JK Diana. But besides the great friendships that I made, I can't remember for sure but I think it was Linda and I decided on making every other week a Positive one, and well that meant the opposite one was the negative one.

Now for the point. I want a positive week, so if you have any ideas let me know!


Diana @ The Rader's Digest said...

This is my idea!!! It really hit home for me. I hope it does for you. ( And... if it meant having another special memory to laugh about... I'd eat buy you a sandwich and eat half of it just for the memory.)

Diana @ The Rader's Digest said...

Hey Tiff... I love ya! Thanks for all the good times!