Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's the Little Things

I must say that despite everything I am going through I am on top of the world for this moment. It is those little things, that mean so much and today my boys shined. I was up early this morning, 5:30 (out of a alarm clock habit) so I was ready before I had to wake them up, well mostly. So I began putting away some clothes and cleaning upstairs a bit. Taking my time, no rushes this morning. Jake comes upstairs and asks if he can take leftovers for lunch, then he tells me he will make it, that has never happened. Then I notice he has made his bed, I didn't have to ask. Hayden made his lunch. They unloaded the dishwasher and even started loading it. There was not one fight or argument this morning, only brothers helping each other out. It is these things, small acts of service without request that mean more than anything. I wouldn't have minded making lunches, I do it almost every morning. But it brought tears to my eyes. In life's trials you are blessed!


Diana @ The Rader's Digest said...

Yes, you are blessed!

caseyann said...

That is just what you needed. Your boys truly are good boys!